Healthy self esteem doesn’t come by things.
This is why even the rich wallow in low self esteem.
It comes from the reception you have about yourself.
How do you perceive yourself?
Your perception of yourself reflects in your words and actions and it determines how people perceive you and treat you.
Take a moment this weekend and…Read More
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Another one bite the dust
And life continuesSo painful that this life will continue after we must have all left this surface
Why the fuss ?
Why the grandstanding ?
Why the suffering while smiling ?
Who truly cares?You are the only one who truly cares about yourself and you are also the only one who is the most important in your…Read More
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Why do men beat their wives ?
Why do women see the red flags and remain in the loveless marriages ?
Whose validation are we waiting for
Yes my mentor advised that divorce is not in vogue but remaining in an abusive marriage or union is the worst crime against humanity
Another one bite the dust and we will keep on counting because…Read More
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Very sad. May her soul rest in peace. Violence in any form must be condemned.
I am deeply saddened by the stampede that claimed the lives of innocent children across Nigeria recently .
May God rest their soulAs someone who has always spoken out against child begging, I strongly believe that parents who exploit their children for sympathy are committing a grave injustice.
Having experienced hunger and hardship…Read More
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Who is an intentional Parent
A parent who prioritizes their child physical , mental and emotional well being is intentional
A parent who listens actively and encourages open conversations is an intentional parent
An intentional parent creates opportunities for learning exploration and growth
A parent who lives unconditionally is…Read More2 Comments-
The intentional parent is one who sees beyond today for the entire family.
Life is your greatest enterprise, don’t let it go bust, know it that You are loved, admired, and appreciated.
Yes I knowHappiness isn’t a storm-free life, but finding strength in forgiveness, hope in battles, security in fear, and love in discord, that is the soothing path
Celebrate successes, but learn from failures, also find joy in…Read More
Some days are cool
Some days are rough
Some days are perfect blend of both , but in all one has to hold on to the positive side of life and chose what is best for youYesterday wasn’t to cool for me but it turns out that I was going to see something that will change my day
In my community WhatsApp group I saw a photo of old f…Read More
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Agreed. Everyday is different in challenges of raising a family. God bless all parents.
You have made it halfway through the week, wow , congratulations
Keep pushing forward, your goals are within reach, I can feel it what about you ?
Don’t let fatigue or doubts hold you back, a little more push
You are stronger than you think, Yes You Are
And you are capable of doing more , yes you can .Take a moment to refocus,…Read More
Rise and shine
it’s a brand new day
A chance to start anew
A fresh start to chase your dreams
Leave yesterday’s worries behind, and focus on the present.You have got this, believe
You are strong, capable, and resilient.
Believe in yourself, your talents, and your abilities.
Take a deep breath, and let your passions drive you.Make…Read More
Mrs Cynthia Okpara went to her husband’s office to report him to his boss. She told her husband’s boss how her husband Mr Odogwu Okpara usually squander his N60,000 salary and only gave her N30,000 for upkeep.
After her narration, the boss told her to come back on the last day of the month.
On the said day, she arrived as planned. The boss…Read More
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My word for today is Love
Love is a powerful tool
It’s an emotion that transcends culture languages and it has no bordersLove is that one chord that weaves humanity together
In love we listen with empathy
In love we offer words of encouragement
In love we value relationships
In love we embraces diversityLove can comes i…Read More
It’s been a while
I have been AWOL
I miss this space
My home
My comfort zoneWho missed me ?
You don’t have to , the simple truth is that Tpain has made us all to be planning and thinking before embarking on any journey , venture or escapadesEvery new day is a plus
We are back for God
It was worth itIn all we do let…Read More
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Hmmmmmmmmmm, a very close friend of mine has a daughter of 21 who is schooling in one of the universities in the east. She came around for holiday and then fell sick last Thursday and was taken to the hospital for proper medical care. During the process of check up, her mum noticed a scar under her pelvic and she got…Read More
Something was harvested besides egg collection. It can be kidney. The process of harvesting eggs from a woman is called “egg retrieval”. This is a medical procedure where mature eggs are extracted from the ovaries using a needle guided by ultrasound, typically done as part of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment or for egg freezing purposes.…Read More
The word for today is INNOVATION
We have a lot of buzz words in our todays world and innovation is one of them
And this buzz word has become our way of life and this has kept us growing in today’s ever changing worldWe all are embracing changes brought about by innovations which means we are opening up to new ideas and ways of life…Read More
Innovation is what creates the comfort of today and the genius of tomorrow.
The word for today is DISCIPLINE
Discipline is simply define as the training of doing things in an habitual and controlled way and this involve adherence to standards or rules in our personal lives or organization.
Discipline is the direct path to success
The foundation or bedrock upon which every success story is based on is…Read More
The word for today is UNITY
Unity is strength is not a fallacy but reality
Having sincerity of purposes is key
Unity is essential in all aspects of life be it work , relationships, marriages , friendships , advocacy etcWith unity achieving desired goals is possible , the imports of unity cannot be overstated
A united family cannot be…Read More2 Comments -
Today is Teachers day
I celebrate all teachers and one of the greatest teachers who ever lived my mother
Today I celebrate all mother teachers
And I specially celebrate the best and first teacher in Jite’s children’s life
She is
Their first pharmacist
Their first doctors
Their first Nannie’s
Their first security guard
The…Read More3 Comments -
The word for today is HOPE
Todays word resonate so well with me because my life has always been about Hope
My faith base on hope has propelled me to my present state
It ignited my inner strength
My resilience and perseverance
It was hope that made me believe there are better days aheadIt was hope that made me walk into a school…Read More
I am weary of people with such trait
They don’t condemn anything from a suppose rich person but will be a chief critic of same action coming from a person who has no cash to throw around or captured as a poor person
Let’s teach our kids to respect all cadre of persons
For tomorrow tables can turn1 Comment -
The word for today is SELF CARE
Self care is also self love
Which literally means prioritizing oneself above every other thingIt is an essential part of one habit in maintaining physical , emotional and mental well being
When we prioritize our self care , it reduces stress and anxiety , it improves mental clarity and increase focus ,…Read More1 Comment-
Self care is very important. Without adequate self care others cannot take you serious.
It’s a new month
October is one of my special month
In the spirit of the new month
I encourage us all to speak this words of affirmation daily into our lives
– I am capable and strong
– I am beautiful inside and out
– I am unstoppable
– I trust myself and my abilities
– I am worthy of love and respectHappy new month and…Read More
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The word for today is PERFECTION
Perfection is not a destination or a one off act , it is a continuous journey of improvement and refinement
For humans to achieve perfection we ought to have a growth mindset and this requires intentional effort and self awareness and practices that foster continuous learning and development . And to…Read More
The word for today is KINDNESS
Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind see
Mark TwainEvery act of kindness is infectious
A good deed speaks volume and build trust
People naturally are endeared to kind personsIn my usual prayer lines I will always say we should be gifted with
– kind children
– kind p…Read More3 Comments-
I agree with you. Kindness is like a boomerang. It always comes back to you one way or the other.
The full text of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the United Nations General Assembly, September 27, 2024, as provided by the Prime Minister’s Office.
“Mr. President, Ladies and gentlemen, I didn’t intend to come here this year. My country is at war, fighting for its life.
But after I heard the lies and slanders leveled at my c…Read More
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The word for today is PERSEVERE
According to the English dictionary persevere is defined as continuing in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no indication of success.
It’s no wonder Steve Maraboli in his one of his quotes stated that “ life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving ; We get stronger and more resil…Read More
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The Word for today is EMPATHY
In my own word , empathy is understanding someone from their own perspective and supporting them by working and walking with them through it.
– In life seeing any issue from peoples point of view is an act of empathy
– showing kindness and support is an act of empathy
– recognizing and sharing fee…Read More -
The word for today is FOCUS
Absolute concentration and determination is required for the success of any plan
Be it Business , Parenting , Education , Petty trading , learning skills , self care etcI encourage we Concentrate on our set goals for this is a powerful concept to keep in mind
In maintaining our focus some tips are…Read More
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The word for today is GRATITUDE
One of the most important tools in life is gratitude , having a mindset laced with gratitude is a powerful tool
As a new way of life I implore we shift our daily focus to positivity , fosters resilience, strengthen relationships , encourages self -reflection and most importantly cultivates happiness
Do we…Read More
Parenting 101 (No Graduation )
Parenting is a daunting and forever task
And as the years roll by it becomes a two way mechanism structure
Either it is easing out or becoming more tasking and this is due to the outcome of our roles as parents while they were childrenThe above is simply relating the dynamic nature of parenting , where…Read More
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Very true