nothing can be a personal
choice….if that choice has a victim.1 Comment -
Our lives begin to end when we fail to emphasise on things that matters
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its really irritating that the government can unite to ban an app that brings a lot of good but can’t unite to make universal healthcare happen, end homelessness or stop the epidemic of gun violence in this country
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That is how government functions. They see more than the people see.
Could we also add fuckhead of the United States (FFOTUS)?
Trump is now being referred to as FOTUS (felon of the United States). Please pass it on.
You’re never too important to be nice to people let love Lead ❤️
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If you can make one dollar you’ve got the ability to make a hundred thousands million more dollars 🎲🤑🌐
Mega mind and
Raphael Onorerosuoke are now friends
A young man asked his grandfather, “Grandpa, how did you live in the past without technology . . . without computers without drones without bitcoins without Internet connection without TVs without air conditioners without cars without mobile phones?” Grandpa answered: “Just as your generation lives today . . . no prayers, no compassion, no…Read More
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Different times different blessings and issues. We may never know what is better. Make the best of what you have.
Be determined in life
Note that it’s only when you stop trying makes you a failure trying is never a failure2 Comments -
If you’re told you can’t do it twice and take a picture
Mega mind joined the group
The Helping Angels’ Ministries Church of God, USA


Good morning.