Ezekiel Gospel and
tano-vick are now friends
Francis Akenami and
tano-vick are now friends
Have you wondered why you wake up in the morning with many things to do yet you end up going to bed without achieving most of them?
Well…………, the honest reality truth is that “You’re a human”
There’s so little a man can do in just 24hrs.
Give yourself the credit, that you’re trying your best👌2 Comments-
You are correct. It’s however good to plan for the next day before going to bed. All things being equal, you can have a firm start when you wake up because you planned it. Something I have noticed recently is some youth going to bed without planning the next day as our parents did. They wake up before thinking of what to do that day. That’s why…Read More
tano-vick and
Samson ogheneruonano aka YP the young poporipo are now friends


Hello Tano.